How Do You Know What You're Building is Working?

Small Business Coaching Real Estate Coaching Jeremy Wiliams Red Hawk Coaching

The answer is simply results. You've got to start looking at results and measuring what you're doing to what you're expecting to achieve. Now where do most business owners make a mistake? Sometimes the results don't show up right away. In the coaching world, I've had clients that have come to me quickly, and I've had some that have come over years of following me. Business is not an Easy Bake Oven. 

Results are required. Results will let you know if something is working. If you know of a business that results aren't required, please let me know, and we can invest in that together. 

Here is a list to help you build a results-oriented business. 

  1. Create a goal, priority areas, and strategies.
  2. Follow a schedule.
  3. Measure your results.
  4. Everyday ask these 3 questions: What did I do well? What did I do not so well? What can I do differently tomorrow to stay on track with #1 in this list?
  5. Be patient, yet be tenacious in your activities.
  6. Make small adjustments, and stay away from large adjustments unless ABSOLUTELY required. Making large adjustments all the time will result in you being less focused.
  7. Don't be afraid of failing. These are learning opportunities.
  8. Results matter, and don't let anyone tell you differently. People that tell you differently either don't have results, or they want you to feel better about yourself. Feeling the pain is okay. BTW - Stop taking advice from these individuals. They will sink you.
  9. Love what you do.
  10. Find a network of people with a common bond of being business owners, and share with them your wins and failures. It is amazing how we can learn through the experiences of others.
  11. Hire a coach.

Now go out and build something great today. Would there be anything you would add to this list?

Change Your Business and Life by Hiring Jeremy Williams as a Coach Today

Are you needing to get clarity in your business? Do you feel like you're all over the place and lack focus and direction? This is exactly why you should consider hiring a business coach to provide you direction and different perspectives on your approach to building a successful business. Learn more about the one-on-one coaching opportunity offered to small businesses at Red Hawk Coaching.

Author: Jeremy Williams is the Owner/CEO of Red Hawk Coaching, and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author.  For more information about coaching opportunities with Red Hawk Coaching, visit


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