The 15 Point Plan to Health and Happiness with Chad Hyams, Co-Host of the Win Make Give Podcast Network

Chad Hyams Author Co-Host Win Make Give Podcast The 15 Point Plan

Coach Jeremy Williams, Head Coach and Founder of Red Hawk Coaching interviews Chad Hyams, Co-Host of the Win Make Give Podcast Network. Chad shares a 15 Point Plan to Health and Happiness created by Ben Kinney. The 15 Point Plan to Health and Happiness provides a simple approach to making gains in what matters most; Health = Wealth.

The 15 Point Plan to Health and Happiness includes: Goals, Movement, Hydration, Sleep, Nutrition, Supplements, Influences, Journaling, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Laughter, Learn, Hobbies, Serve, and Time.

If you would like to learn more about the plan, check out Win Make Give. Each segment is approximately 15 - 20 minutes. Plans for future podcast drop will dive deeper into each point in the plan.

Learn more about one-on-one coaching opportunities for real estate agents and small business owners offered by Red Hawk Coaching. Connect with Coach Jeremy today at 281-387-7689, [email protected].



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