Stop Focusing on Legacy and 5 and 10 Year Goals

Today is the Day Jeremy Williams Red Hawk Coaching Top Real Estate Coach Small Business Coach

Written By: Coach Jeremy Williams, Owner and Head Coach at Red Hawk Coaching

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it."

I know some of you will read this, and you will have that old familiar tune stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

“This is the day”, I believe, is one of the most important parts of this verse. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but “this is the day”. We are called to “rejoice and be glad in it”. This got me thinking about goal setting, and why I believe most people miss the mark on goal setting. You hear about annual goals, 3 year goals, 5 year goals, 10 year goals, and LEGACY goals. What you don’t hear much about is conquering the goal for the day for “this is the day”.

One of my favorite books is Today Matters by John C. Maxwell. John writes of how yesterday is already written in the books, history, and that tomorrow is unknown, and we might not even be here, and what matters most is today. In short, his book is Psalm 118:24. “This is the day.”

Do goals matter? Yes, and I believe that they matter in terms of what needs to happen today. It’s reverse engineering the big goals to what needs to happen in the now. As you begin this time of year to set your 2023 goals, keep this in mind. Win the day. May each day be a smaller goal to the big goal. Stacking these days will turn into unbelievable results.

Rejoice and be glad on this day that each of us has been gifted for “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Onward and Upward,


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