Make a Decision

Small Business Coaching Real Estate Coaching Jeremy Wiliams Red Hawk Coaching

Everything is a choice?

You can choose to workout? You can choose not to work out? You decide.

You can choose to eat that piece of cake. You can choose not to eat the cake. You decide.

You can choose to lead generate for new business. You can choose to fill your time with non-dollar business activities to avoid having to lead generate. You decide.

What’s amazing to me is the opportunities squelched by those choosing the actions that lead them away from their desired results. If your desired results are “x”, stop choosing “y”. Choose “x”.

As Peloton Coach Denis Morton says, “I make suggestions. You make decisions.” In other words, he is saying as a coach that he will point towards actions that net a desired result, yet I still have to make the decision whether or not I want it.

Make a decision for yourself today. Own it. If it doesn’t work out, make another decision that rights the way towards your goal.

Change Your Business and Life by Hiring Jeremy Williams as a Coach Today

Are you needing to get clarity in your business? Do you feel like you're all over the place and lack focus and direction? This is exactly why you should consider hiring a business coach to provide you direction and different perspectives on your approach to building a successful business. Learn more about the one-on-one coaching opportunity offered to small businesses at Red Hawk Coaching.

Author: Jeremy Williams is the Owner/CEO of Red Hawk Coaching, and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author.  For more information about coaching opportunities with Red Hawk Coaching, visit


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