It's Going to be Hard

Jeremy Williams Red Hawk Coaching Real Estate and Small Business Coach Create Intro Outro Video
When I launched my coaching business in 2017, I anticipated more support than what I received. I heard things like:
"It's going to be too hard."
"You're going to impact your family."
"What a stupid decision."
"Why don't you just build it with XXXXXX company?"
The "it's going to be hard" is what I needed to hear to know that I was on the right path. Nothing that is worth having comes easy. Too many are seeking out that which is easy. Many gurus are out there teaching the "easy way" to success. Beware!
I'm telling you now, if you choose easy, if you choose no resistance, you are not going to get very far. You're not going to reach your potential. Hard is what develops character. Hard is what gives you the tools to handle things when things are REALLY hard. Too many whine daily about the smallest things, and have not truly experienced that which is difficult.
I look back and there is nothing that I would change with my path. I chose hard and for that I've been rewarded. Anything you really want is going to take work, discipline, creating the right habits, and being both consistent and intentional daily. It's hard!
Today, don't be afraid of doing hard. While others run away from that which is hard, I encourage you to run towards it. You will win!


Change Your Business and Life by Hiring Jeremy Williams as a Coach Today

Are you needing to get clarity in your business? Do you feel like you're all over the place and lack focus and direction? This is exactly why you should consider hiring a business coach to provide you direction and different perspectives on your approach to building a successful business. Learn more about the one-on-one coaching opportunity offered to small businesses at Red Hawk Coaching. Schedule a discovery call with Red Hawk Coaching today.

Author: Jeremy Williams is the Owner/CEO of Red Hawk Coaching, and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author.  For more information about coaching opportunities with Red Hawk Coaching, visit


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