What is the Importance of Blogging for Business?

Small Business Coaching Real Estate Coaching Jeremy Wiliams Red Hawk Coaching

May 2019

What is the importance of blogging for your real estate business?

  1. It drives traffic to your website
  2. Builds relationships with your buyers and sellers
  3. Demonstrates your authority and thought leadership in the real estate industry

Hands down, nothing is more vital to your inbound marketing strategy. It provides more opportunities, more bang for your advertising dollar, if you will, than any other marketing effort.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Moz.com defines it this way: “SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.”

  • Quality of Traffic (visitors who are genuinely interested in what you offer)
  • Quantity of Traffic (the right people clicking through from those search engine results pages and more of it)
  • and Organic Results (traffic you don’t have to pay for)

The Importance of Blogging and SEO

There’s a whole lot to SEO, and I am no SEO expert (nor do I want to be). But blogging does wonders for a website’s traffic with the proper use of search engine optimization.


Keywords are the words you type into your Google Search box when researching a topic or interest. And blog posts provide fresh content for search engines to crawl. This is why every business should provide fresh content, relevant to their audience’s searches, on a consistent basis. Because the more content you post on your blog, the more  opportunities your site has to show up in search results.

And that, my fellow entrepreneurs, is why blogging any less than once a week isn’t best for your business.

Link Building

Blogging is also amazing in that it’s great for SEO with link building. Internal links to other blog posts of your own and external links to credible companies’ content are important for driving traffic to your site.

Internal links drive visitors to other pages on your website. External links lend your website online credibility because they give other sites reason to link to your website. And when other reputable sites build links that point to your site, search engines assume your site is also reputable. Reputable being the “key” word here.

What is Building Relationships?

Building relationships isn’t just making contacts, just having a list. It’s more about maintaining relationships. And you can’t be successful without the trust of the people you serve and/or work with. Blogging allows your audience to get to know, like, and trust you, therefore, build relationships with them.

The Importance of Blogging and How It Builds Relationships

When you provide answers to your visitors’ questions and solutions to their problems, you build their trust in you. They come to see you as an expert to come to over and over again (aka website traffic). And as a real estate agent, you can build relationships with your readers by blogging about everything from selling a home to the best paint to put on your walls this year.

What is Thought Leadership?

Thanks to Wikipedia, a thought leader is defined as “an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sough and often rewarded. Thought leaders are commonly asked to speak at public events, conferences or webinars to share their insight with a relevant audience.

How Blogging Demonstrates Your Authority and Thought Leadership

Blogging again allows you the best way to demonstrate your authority and thought leadership in the real estate industry. In the real estate industry, you are the expert to your buyers and sellers. You share ideas, helpful tips, insights about real estate, and answers to questions buyers and sellers have.

Through blogging you provide opportunities for your audience to get to know you, relate to you, and appreciate your interest in helping them.

The Call to Action

As you can see, the importance of blogging is vital to the success of your real estate business. When you combine blogging with SEO to build relationships and get recognized as a thought leader, your website traffic increases. And that means more potential customers to convert into sales.

Are you utilizing this marvelous marketing tool in your real estate business? You won’t be the success you are meant to be without the benefits blogging gives. Put it to use every single week. Then watch your business grow.

Written by Rockin' Robin Carter 


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