Growth Will Change You

Time is Finite Make the Most of It Coach Jeremy Williams Red Hawk Coaching Survive Scale Soar

“Jeremy, you’re not the same person I knew 5 years ago.”

Have you had those individuals that pop in and out of your life, and when they do show back up in your life, it’s almost as though they are judging your growth? Personally, I take it as a compliment because I don’t want to be the same person I once was as that would mean I’ve given up on growth. When you stop growing, you’re dying.

I once had someone I considered wise share that people will be in your life for a reason and a season, and that you’ll be able to count your true friends on one hand (some people will refer to those individuals as their “ride or die” friends). When you focus on growth, those around you are typically not involved in your life for a long enough period of time to experience that growth happening in your life. This is why when someone leaves your circle for a period of time, and then they pop back in, what they see from their perspective may be considered radically transformative. 

This same individual asked, “What have you been doing in all this time?” I knew this was a curiosity question as to who I was vs who I am now. I shared the following.

  • I got to know who I was as a person better and what I wanted out of life. This led me to the decision of launching a coaching business having the desire to help others maximize their business and life. 
  • I realized that not everyone wanted me to be successful for whatever reason that I did not need to waste my time to figure out. My energy was shifted to those that supported my efforts and those I love.
  • I realized that my circles of influence needed to change. I connected with those that sought out improvement and did not fear challenges. This influenced and expanded my thinking which led to different feelings which led to taking different actions which led to BIGGER results.
  • I wrote a Best-Selling book. I did this for my kids to impart knowledge to them on how to be successful in their journey of life. By doing this, I’ve also helped many others.
  • I’ve become more intentional in everything that I do, and I realize there are only so many hours in a day. I put time and effort into my relationship with God, my family, and helping others through coaching. Time is finite, make the most of it.

I am not the same person you might have known five years ago if we’ve not been in conversation, yet wouldn’t you want the same for yourself? Wouldn’t you want to be a better version of yourself each and every day?

I challenge you today to place a stake in the ground, and seek out growth in different areas of your life whether it is Spiritually, in the area of developing deeper relationships, planning and executing a financial growth plan, striking out to get in the best shape of your life, or taking your business to levels you never thought possible.

And, if you’re wanting help in this, if you want to be a part of a greater circle of individuals seeking out growth, reach out to me about coaching, and I can share how I can help you starting today.


Change Your Business and Life by Hiring Jeremy Williams as a Coach Today

Are you needing to get clarity in your business? Do you feel like you're all over the place and lack focus and direction? This is exactly why you should consider hiring a business coach to provide you direction and different perspectives on your approach to building a successful business. Learn more about the one-on-one coaching opportunity offered to small businesses at Red Hawk Coaching. Schedule a discovery call with Red Hawk Coaching today.

Author: Jeremy Williams is the Owner/CEO of Red Hawk Coaching, and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author.  For more information about coaching opportunities with Red Hawk Coaching, visit


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