Get Rid of the Noise

Small Business Coaching Real Estate Coaching Jeremy Wiliams Red Hawk Coaching

Noise. There is a lot of noise in our world today ranging from COVID-19 to race to historical statues to politics to business shutdowns to murder hornets mounted on shark horses...and the list goes on and on. I often get asked from business owners, "How do you cut through the noise?" Why it may seem difficult, the answer is quite simple.

You've got to keep doing what you've always done. In some cases you need to outwork yourself. It's about keeping your head down, laser focused, and knowing precisely what needs to happen daily to keep you moving forward.

Why do horses wear blinkers sometimes known as blinders? This piece of horse tack is so the horse does not get distracted by things to the rear, in some cases, to the side. The horse is focused on what is right in front of them.

How do you cut through the noise? Put on the blinkers. Have your business plan at hand to remind yourself of your goal. Don't get sucked in. Don't get divided. Don't buy into that which is false.

Move forward even if things don't feel like a sprint right now. Remember that the turtle wins. One step. Two steps. Know you are progressing. Daily write down your wins, and also write down that which you can improve on tomorrow.

There are some amazing people in this group, yet I know some have bought into the noise. Correct your sails, and get back to where you know you should be and deserve to be.

This picture I saw often as a child. It was the picture that would show up when the outdoor antenna was moved by a Texas Hill Country pop up thunderstorm. The white noise would fill the room, and depending on the volume of the TV it would become unbearable. The good news is that I would go outside, climb the antenna pole, adjust the antenna, and the noise would go away replacing the white noise with a clear picture.

The good news is that you too can adjust your antenna. Find the way to avoid the noise, and then stay there. Watch your productivity increase. Watch your relationships deepen with family and friends. Watch your health improve.

Get rid of the noise.

Change Your Business and Life by Hiring Jeremy Williams as a Coach Today

Are you needing to get clarity in your business? Do you feel like you're all over the place and lack focus and direction? This is exactly why you should consider hiring a business coach to provide you direction and different perspectives on your approach to building a successful business. Learn more about the one-on-one coaching opportunity offered to small businesses at Red Hawk Coaching.

Author: Jeremy Williams is the Owner/CEO of Red Hawk Coaching, and #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author.  For more information about coaching opportunities with Red Hawk Coaching, visit


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