A Change in Strategy

Red Hawk Coaching Real Estate Coach Jeremy Williams

If you've not read the book Blue Ocean Strategy, I recommend it. The premise of the book is that most business owners will operate in a blood red ocean filled with hungry and aggressive sharks. In this ocean, the competition is fierce and growing a business in this type of environment can be very challenging if not impossible. Everyone is after the same thing as opposed to those that seek a blue ocean strategy. The blue ocean represents a space of very little competition, or a service or product that does that yet exist that solves a particular need. 

What ocean are you operating in today? How do you pivot so you can seek out and experience what can happen in a blue ocean strategy? One thing you can take action on today to start down this path is hiring a Real Estate Coach like myself. Are you ready to experience what it would be like to operate in a blue ocean? Connect with me today.


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